Hello from Ann at Designer Stitch.

I live and love in Australia. More often than not though, you will find me spending most of my free time on the coast, where I have built a small house (yes I even have my own nail guns..fantastic tools !!!), which is about a 2-minute walk from the surf beach.

I have worked as a freelance designer for well over 30 years developing clothing ranges for a number of women’s wear companies in Australia. I developed these ranges from size 8 through to a size 26 and have also taught adult education at both a TAFE and University level, in clothing, textiles and millinery studies.

As a result of my vast teaching experience, I have been operating my own fashion school for 18 years – The Designer Stitch School of Fashion and Design.

My school has been very successful, and I have a myriad of levels within my classes.

bio of ann-michelle groseFabric screen printed, and swimwear designed by me.
So how did I get to where I am now?. I originally studied as a Textile Designer (the photo above was a range of swimwear that I developed under my own label- I designed both the fabric print, and style of the garment) but unfortunately jobs in this field are few and far between.
bio 2 of ann-michelle groseWomens clothing ranges developed from size 8 – 26.









I then went on and completed further study in clothing design, which has enabled me to work as a freelance designer for the past 35 years, developing clothing ranges for a number of women’s wear companies in Australia (photo above). I developed these ranges from a size 8 through to a size 26.

I have also taught adult education for the past 28 years at both a TAFE and University level, in clothing, textiles and millinery studies. As a result of my vast teaching experience, I now own and operate my own school, The Designer Stitch School of Fashion and Design.

With my extensive teaching background, I am skillfully able to lead Beginners who are wishing to Learn to Sew, those with Intermediate skill level, right through to those with Advanced skills, wishing to extend themselves further, in any area of personal interest.

For any information regarding my school, or aspects of this web site, please contact me here.

Thank you and good luck…………………. …………………………………………………Annie