Greetings my lovelies – this is the first of 2 pattern tester shoutouts.

The Dylan Pants Testing Period is : Friday 13th March until 27th March

(2 weekend in this period) FIRM.

I am looking for a handful of fabulous testers to join my AMAZING core ladies.

The pants are developed for either stretch cotton sateen or stretch denim with a specific content. A toile or test garment IS MADE first so I can advise on fitting and then a final garment is made. (your test garment will be a wearable one so no wasting of time/fabric)

If you can commit please apply with what your choice of style option would be – along with a

1. A good quality – FULL SHOT – recent pic of YOU wearing a me made garment (please NO HEADLESS pics !!!).

2. Sizes – (size chart is pic stream).

3. Level of Sewing Experience?

4. Who have you tested for in the past ?

5. Link to your BLOG, Facebook and IG account.


✔️ This is a finished pattern – you are asked to look for typos and unclear instructions…the fit/grade is SET in concrete.

✔️ Willing to start from Friday onwards and be diligent.

✔️ Join the tester FB group

✔️ Quality pics of you modelling your finished garment (minimum of 7)


To apply for this great pattern tester shoutout please fill in the below contact form –
(if your pic is too big to attach to contact form please email to admin@designerstitch.com (thankyou xx ))