Tag Archives: peta top

Using Darts to Create Fullness

Hey Ho my friends. I hope you are all travelling well and are happy and safe. Today I am sharing with you a small re-mix – also known as “hack” – in the sewing world. We have just released the fabulous new Peta Top and Dress sewing pattern and in the pattern testing phase I […]

Peta Top and Dress Pattern Tester Roundup Part 2

Good morning from a very cold Phillip Island here in Australia my friends. We are in the depths of winter and are experiencing a polar vortex – and boy is it cold. But still beautiful as we live in such a wonderful world. Thankyou again for coming to read about all things pretty in Part […]

Peta Top and Dress Pattern Tester Roundup Part 1

Hey ho my lovely friends. Thankyou for visiting our blog today – and Part 1 of the Peta Top and Dress Pattern Tester Roundup. Another stunning array of all things fabulous about our Rockstar Roadies and their makes. I never have enough words to describe how talented each and everyone of our pattern testers are. […]