Synthia Ruffle Top Tester Roundup Part 1

Hello to my friends around the world.Β  We have been amazingly busy over here at Designer Stitch – and please let me introduce you to the new pattern in our catalogue – The Synthia Ruffled Top. (named after my Synthia GΒ  who is a valued DS pattern tester team member) Ruffles are such a HUGE […]

Tanner Culotte Tester Round Part 2

A Friday hello to you. I hope you really enjoyed reading about my first group of pattern testers for the Tanner Culotte in yesterdays post. The Tanner Culotte is the one style we’re seeing everywhere. It is a super chic and fashion forward style that is so hot on the catwalks right now. If you […]

Tanner Culotte Tester Round Up Part 1

Greetings from a now warming Australia. Thank you for stopping by to read about the fabulous ladies behind the testing phase of the Tanner Culotte. The shape of the Tanner was largely influenced again by the shapes I was seeing in all of the top tier international fashion designers collections. For those not familiar with […]

Tanner Culotte New Sewing Pattern

Hello my friends and a warm greeting from Melbourne Australia. I would like to introduce you to the newest PDF sewing pattern from Designer Stitch – the Tanner Culotte. The influence for the Tanner was this pic I came across on Pinterest quite a few months ago. I have loads of “secret” boards I pin […]

Frida Top Tunic and Dress Tester Round Up Part 1

Hello my friends. Welcome to the first part of the Frida Tester Round-up with my first group of 14 of the most spectacular pattern road testers you could ever wish for. Why may you ask. !!!… When I first posted the tester call for this pdf pattern I had a vision in my head and […]